Saturday, May 19, 2012

Episode #5 Honey, We F***ed Up Again!

 File Size: 114.2MB (2h:4m:44s) Click Here to stream or click Here to download!

On Remember the One... Episode #5: Honey, We F***ed Up Again! (oops!)

In which we push for a full episode with four hosts, get e-mails sent to the wrong addresses, fall into unison for our love of shrink rays with Honey, I Shrunk the Kids, consider the worth of a returning Cartoon Network block with Toonami, and find an unlikely alliance for an obscure film with UHF.

Music by Alex 'sidewalkbanana' Yelldon.

Edited by James S.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

After School Special #1 Your Phone is a Johnnie!

File Size: 121.3MB  (2h:12m:29s) Click Here to stream, or click Here to download.

In Remember the One: After School Special #1: Your Phone is a Johnnie!

For a RTO first, we bust at the seams with a total of 5 hosts, a podcasters wife gets angry at him on his birthday, A new intro is introduced, (again provided by the talented Alex 'sidewalkbanana' Yelldon), we walk inside the actors studio and ask ourselves what turns us on, James and Michael pick apart what we disliked about Mass Effect 3, and Johnnie gets it wrong again when trying to say that a mac-book is a handheld gaming device.

Music by Alex 'sidewalkbanana' Yelldon

Edited by James S.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Episode #4 It's Like Costco For People!

File Size: 135.7MB (2h:28m:15s)
Click Here to stream, or Here to download.

This time on Remember the One... Episode 4:

Our hosts put their lives on the line for the podcast instead of going to see The Avengers and fail at improvising during an e-mail, pit characters together with their favorite brawlers with Streets of Rage, piss off the fanboys with an action movie about Mega Man 2, and name off every actor who could ever conceivably play 'Sloth' in The Goonies.

Stay tuned for almost 7 minutes of bonus content after the sign off!

Music by Alex "sidewalkbanana" Yelldon.

Edited by James S.