Thursday, July 12, 2012

To Our Listeners...

This is James from Remember the One... Podcast here, to tell everyone that the podcast is not dead, but some issues have come up over the weeks since our last recording that have crippled our operations. here is the story:

At first, one week after episode 7 we were gearing up to record another after school special. As luck would have it, one of our hosts who had a huge impact on what we were gearing up to discuss could not make it. After School Special #2 was postponed.

The following week, we were going to record for Episode 8, and drama struck up with me and my new truck, as the bank was trying to take it back. The situation was not dealt with until the following day, but I was in no mood to record that night, so the show was postponed again.

On June 25, I learned that a good friend of mine (and a good few of the podcast hosts) had been in the hospital for over a month, and they were pulling the plug on him. The following week, services were held, and the show was officially put on hiatus.

I have been asked by everyone involved when we were going to record a new episode, and I was planning on scheduling after I returned from Puerto Rico in mid August. However, I just learned from my job that on Thursday and Friday nights for the unforeseen future (until they find a replacement officer for one who left with little notice) I will be working during our normal recording hours, which is Thursday nights around 11pm Central Time.

I will still attempt to find a new schedule that fits with this new time slot, but as I do not know when my schedule will return to normal, it could be awhile before we can agree on a day and time where we are all available.

Please feel free to e-mail us your support. At this stage in our short life, we could use some encouragement, and some confirmation that we are not forgotten. We all hope to return in the near future with new episodes of Remember the One...

~James Stuchly.